Join a Small Group

Check out the list below to learn about our available small groups and their leaders. Then sign up at the bottom to join your group today! Our Winter/Spring Term for Small Groups begin
January 17th and end March 27th.

  • The Lift/Pastor Mark [Mens] Mondays 7:00pm EST

    Come hang out with this growing group of awesome guys as we seek to build a brotherhood to challenge each other, encourage each other, and help one another grow in our individual spiritual journeys.

  • Stormbravetale/Josh [Mens] Mondays 8:00–9:30pm EST

    Looking for a down-to-earth bunch? We value a healthy balance of accountability, study, peace, and restful living as we explore God’s calling on our lives. No special skills or experience required!

  • Navillus/Robert [Mixed/co-ed] Tuesdays 3:00pm EST

    This co-ed group meets in the afternoon to help accommodate people from all time zones! Each week we get together to discuss life, pray for each other, and then jump into our current Bible study. I look forward to hanging out with you!

  • Jenn [Womens] Tuesdays 7:00-8:00pm EST

    Each week we meet to catch up on life, discuss parts of the talk from the past week, and pray. You don’t need to have any church experience or Bible knowledge to join us! Just come hang out!

  • Tel/Shentel [Womens] Saturdays 2:00pm-3:30pm EST

    Come join our group of women! We gather during little ones nap times on the weekends to discuss life, marriage, and parenting. If you are a wife, mother, and follower of Jesus this is the place for you.

  • St. Bear/Zach [Mixed/co-ed] Tuesdays 8:00pm-9:30pm EST

    Come join our group as we talk about faith, spirituality, doubt, and mental health. No question is off limits and we are open to anyone no matter what your faith background or beliefs!

    This term we plan to work through the current Bible Project series about the sermon on the mount!

  • Slife [Mens] Mondays 7:00pm EST

    Slife [Mens] Mondays 7:00pm EST

    This group will be a study of the beatitudes found within the sermon on the mount and how they can be applied in our lives in order to develop a deeper relationship with Christ and walk more like Him. The focal point will always be centered around having and developing an intimate relationship with Jesus.

What group would you like to join?